Elon Musk Wants to Know If You Want an Edit Button!

After acquiring 73,486,938 shares of Twitter, Musk started conducting debatable polls on the platform. In addition to a poll regarding free speech, Musk’s latest poll asks Twitteratis whether or not they want an edit button. But, Musk misspelled the options as “Yse” and “On,” which might appear like a joke. Do you want an edit button?— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 5, 2022
But, following the tweet, the current Twitter CEO, Parag Agrawal retweeted Musk’s tweet by saying that “the consequences of this poll will be important. Please vote carefully.” Surprisingly, one Twitter user pointed out the fact that Agrawal wrote the exact same words as Musk wrote following his free-speech poll earlier.
Hence, there are chances that this might be serious and an edit button could be on its way. As of writing the article, 73% of over 2.5 million people voted for “yse.” Twitter users have been wanting an edit button to simply edit their tweets and correct typos for the longest time. However, in a video interview back in 2020, the then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey stated that Twitter might never get an edit button.
That said, it is currently unclear whether or not Musk’s poll will affect Twitter’s decision of adding an edit button to the platform. It also remains to be seen how well the Edit button can be implemented on Twitter. There’s no word on if this will be a time-bound feature or how the retweets will be affected due to this.
Many people shared the possible cons of the Edit option of Twitter, while some suggested the probable ways of implementing the feature. Here’s a look at some of these tweets. Here’s my argument against an edit button: What if a tweet goes viral, lots of retweets & millions of impressions, & then the author completely changes the meaning? Not just a grammatical fix, but a TOTAL ideological change? Or shameless self-promote?— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) April 5, 2022 We solved this on Facebook a long time ago. You just include an indicator that it has been edited along with a change log. If you are really worried about embeds they can point to a specific revision in that history but with a link to the latest edit. Not a real issue.— Boz (@boztank) April 5, 2022 Under two conditions. It’s only available for a few minutes, 5-10 mins. And when an edit is made, there’s a small link that shows the edit. This keeps a public record but allows the tweeter the ability to fix a simple mistake and not re-notify their followers with a new tweet— Everyday Astronaut (@Erdayastronaut) April 5, 2022
So, do you think Twitter will add an edit button for tweets after Musk’s tweet? Do you want an edit button on Twitter? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and stay tuned for further updates on the same.