This is also a great way to send a message on a discord server to those who actually interact with your messages as a spoiler discord message can’t be seen without interacting with it. But there are many discord users across the globe who are new to it and can easily get confused about the things like Spoiler Discord tags. And for those users here is a complete explanation of what Spoiler Discord tag is and how to use it properly in different ways.

What is a Spoiler Discord message?

Discord comes with tons of text formattings options like making the text bold, italic, underline, and so on. And to achieve this text formatting the message is added with some special characters in a particular sequence to the main text message. This sequence of characters that is added to the main discord text message is known as the Discord tag. These tags can be used to achieve a wide variety of text formatting to the messages. Talking specifically about the Spoiler tag, it is used to send spoiler discord messages in the chat. Now, what are Spoiler messages? These are the discord messages that are hidden and can not be seen simply by scrolling in the chat. These hidden messages need to be clicked in order to reveal the content of that message. In terms of the text message, the selected content is hidden by a black bar and if there is an image or attachment, there it will be blurred until you tap on it.

How to Add Spoiler Discord Tag to Text Messages

Discord text messages can be made spoiler ones in three different ways. Two ways are by using the Spoiler tags and one is by using the pre-provided option to make a message spoiler. Let’s discuss them.

1. By adding “/spoiler” to the text message

The first method to create a spoiler text message is by using the “/spoiler” tag. To make the message a spoiler one simple type /spoiler at the starting of the message and the whole message will become hidden. This method is good when you want to hide the complete message and not a specific part of that. Here is what the message looks like in the raw formatting:

2. By enclosing the message between “||” (double verticle lines)

If you want to hide a specific part of your message instead of the whole message content then you can this method. Simply enclose the content between a pair of double verticle lines (||) and that particular part will get covered by a black bar. Here is the raw formatting and its result.

3. By using the default Spoiler option

If you are finding the above two methods a little bit technical and manual then discord has a pre-provided option to make the message a spoiler one. Simply select the part of your written message and select the option to make it hide. Here’s how to do that.

Type the message that you want to send.Now select/highlight the message or a portion of it that you want to hide.As soon as you’ll select the text a menu of options will apper.Click on the eye-shaped icon to make apply the spoiler discord tag to the selected text and send the message in the chat.

How to add Spoiler Discord Tag to Images or Attachments

We are done with how you can add the spoiler discord tag to the text messages. But Discord also allows you to send spoilered images and attachments but it is different from sending a spoiler text message. Here’s how to send a spoiler image or any other attachment on discord.

Click on the plus icon and select the Upload a File option.Navigate to the image or file you want to send and upload it.Now from the pop up menu check the mark as spoiler box and send the message in the chat.

How to see a Spoiler Discord Message

You have learned how to send a spoiler message by using the Spoiler Discord tag. But you can get confused about how to see a spoiler message if someone sends that to you. Although it’s a very basic thing it can be an issue for a beginner. Well, seeing the hidden content of a spoiler message is really very easy. If you get a spoiler message in the discord chat simply clip or tap on it and the hidden content will get revealed.

How to turn off Spoiler Discord tag

Spoiler Discord tag is definitely is a good option if someone wants to send a hidden message in the Discord chat. But discord also allows its users to disable the spoiler tag on their discord server. Here is how to do that:

Open Discord and go to settings.Select Text & Images option.Scroll down to the SHOW SPOILER CONTENT section. There you’ll see three options:On click: This is the default setting that allows to use spouler discord tag. On servers I moderate: This disables spoilers discord tag on all servers where you have Manage Messages enabled.Always: This disables all spoilers.

Bottom Line

So, this was all about the Spoiler Discords tag. It is a really simple tag markdown that allows the user to send hidden content in the text message, image, or attachments. Spoiler messages can be easily sent by using proper tag markdown it becomes one of the easiest things to do on discord. I hope this guide about the Spoiler Discord tag would be helpful for you and you’ll get proper information about what is it, how to use it, etc. If this guide was good enough to improve your knowledge then you can let us know about that in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to leave your questions and suggestions there. I’ll surely look into them. Also Read:

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