But many Spotify users have reported on forums that Spotify Wrapped 2022 is not working for them. Other than a few users are also facing Spotify app crash issues when trying to see their Spotify Year in review. If you are facing Spotify Wrapped not working or an app crashing issue, you are at the right place. This article has provided five working ways to fix the problem. But before we dive into the fixes, let’s understand a bit about Spotify Wrapped.

What is Spotify Wrapped?

Swedish music streaming service Spotify is the world’s largest music streaming service. It has well over 381 Million users, including 172M paying subscribers. The numbers are enough to tell the Spotify popularity. We all listen to our favorite songs, artists throughout the year. What if at the end of a year we get a data of entire year like which tunes we listened to, who was the most listened artist, and the total time we listened to music. And that’s what Spotify Wrapped is. The Spotify Wrapped was released first in 2015 as a different name, “Year in Music.” It didn’t get popular until 2017 when Spotify renamed it Spotify Wrapped and introduced excellent graphics. Since then, every year at the start of December, Spotify releases Wrapped for both free and paying users. It includes the music a user has listened to between 1st January and 31st October. The Spotify Wrapped 2021 is rolled out and now available in the form of Stories.

Fix Spotify Wrapped Not Working Or Crashing

Spotify released Wrapped 2021 on 1st December, and it should be already live in your Spotify mobile app. If it is not working for you, follow the ways provided below in this article, and you will be able to fix Spotify Wrapped not working or app crashing issue.

1. Search Wrapped in the Spotify App

The Spotify Wrapped banner appears on both Android and iOS mobile app. You can look for “#SPOTIFYWRAPPED Your 2022 in the review” in the Home tab. But as you are here, the banner is probably not there in the app. You can find Wrapped 2022 by searching for it in the Spotify app. Just follow the below steps. Step 1: Launch the Spotify app. By default, you will land on the Home tab. Tap on the Search option from the bottom part of your screen. It will be right to the Home tab. Step 2: In the Search bar at the top, type Spotify:special:2022 and search for it. Step 3: Once done, you will land on a page with the heading 2022 Wrapped. Below it, find your 2021 Wrapped banner. Tap on the banner, and your Spotify Wrapped will start playing in the form of stories. You can go through all the stories to see your last year’s music listening stats. This is how you can fix Spotify Wrapped not working by searching for it in the Spotify app.

2. Update Spotify App

Tried the above fix but was still unable to find the Spotify Wrapped or facing an app crashing issue? You should check for the updates of the Spotify app. You might be using a significantly older version of the Spotify app on your mobile, and Spotify Wrapped is only available on the latest version of the app. Follow the below steps to update the Spotify app on your Android or iOS smartphone.

On Android

If you want to update Spotify on an Android smartphone, follow the below steps. Step 1: Open Google Play Store on your Android smartphone. Step 2: Type Spotify in the search bar at the top. Alternatively, tap on your profile picture in the top right corner and tap on My apps and games. Under the Updates section, check if an update is available for the Spotify app. Step 3: If an update is available for the Spotify app, you will see an Update button on the app page. Tap on the Update button, and the app will start updating. After updating the app, please open it and look for the Spotify Wrapped banner in the home tab. If Wrapped is not there, try searching for it by following the steps provided in the first fix.

On iOS

If you use the Spotify app on your iPhone, follow the below steps to update Spotify on iOS. Step 1: Open App Store on iOS and tap on search in the bottom right corner. Step 2: In the search box at the top, type Spotify and search for it. If an update is available for the Spotify app, you will see an update option on the app page. Tap on it to update the Spotify app on iOS. Step 3: Alternatively, tap on your profile picture in the upper right corner of the App Store. Below the Personalised recommendations, you will see all the apps that have an update available. Look for Spotify among those apps and tap on the Update button right to it. Once the Spotify app gets updated, open it and look for the Wrapped banner on the homepage. If it is still not there, search for it by following the steps mentioned in the first fix.

3. Clear Cache

If Spotify Wrapped is not working or the app crashes even after updating the Spotify app, you should try clearing the cache. Apps keep a lot of cache data to save bandwidth, so if the Spotify app has a lot of old caches stored in it, it might be causing an issue while loading the Spotify Wrapped. The process to clear the Spotify mobile app’s cache is similar on Android on iOS, but still, I have provided exact steps for both the operating systems. Follow the steps as per the operating system of your smartphone.

On Android

Follow the below steps to clear the cache of the Spotify app on Android smartphones. Step 1: Open Spotify and tap on the settings icon in the top right corner of the screen. Step 2: Scroll down to the Storage section under the settings menu. You will find the Delete cache option; tap on it. Step 3: On the confirmation screen, tap on Delete Cache to clear the cache. Don’t worry. Clearing the cache from the Spotify app will not delete your downloads. Step 4: Alternatively, you can open the Settings app on your smartphone and go to the Apps and Notifications section. Tap on Spotify and then tap on Storage & Cache. Lastly, tap on Clear Cache. Once done cache of your Spotify app will get cleared. But do remember clearing the cache from the settings will delete all your downloads. So, it is recommended to clear the cache from the Spotify app itself. After clearing the cache, open the Spotify app on your Android device and try playing your Spotify Wrapped 2022.

On iOS

Spotify users using an iPhone can clear the cache by following the below steps. Step 1: Open Spotify and tap on the Gear icon in the top right corner. Step 2: In the settings menu, scroll down to the Storage section and tap on it. Step 3: Under Storage, you will find a Delete cache button; tap on it. At the confirmation screen, tap on Delete cache. You will also see a confirmation that your downloads will not delete after clearing the cache. After successfully clearing the cache, open the Spotify again on your iPhone and keep your hunt alive for the Spotify Wrapped.

4. Log out Spotify and Login Again

So, you have tried searching for Wrapped in the Spotify app, Updated the app, and even cleared the cache, but still, Wrapped is not working for you. I would suggest you log out of Spotify and log in again. Step 1: Open the Spotify application on your Android or iOS smartphone and tap on the settings icon in the top right corner. Step 2: In the settings menu, scroll down to the end of the options. Now you will find the Log out button; tap on it to log out of Spotify. Once you are logged out, you will land on the Login screen. Enter your Spotify account credentials to log in again. After logging in, check if Spotify Wrapped is working for you.

5. Uninstall and Reinstall Spotify

If the above fixes didn’t work for you to fix the Spotify not working issue, the last fix is Uninstall and Reinstall Spotify. So, whether you use an Android smartphone or iPhone, uninstall the Spotify app. After uninstalling the app open the Play Store or App Store and search for Spotify. Tap on the Install button to reinstall Spotify on your smartphone. After reinstalling the app, please open it and look for the Wrapped banner. It should be there by now.

Final Words

Spotify Wrapped is an exciting feature in which users can see the stats of the music listened throughout the year. The Wrapped 2022 is already live for users around the world. If Spotify Wrapped is not working for you or facing a crashing app issue, follow the fixes provided above in this article. You can try searching for Wrapped in the Spotify app, update the app, clear cache, log out, and log in again or uninstall and reinstall the Spotify app. I hope you will be able to get the Spotify Wrapped working for you. Is the Spotify Wrapped not working, or app crashing issue is fixed by following the above fixes?


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