Cancel Audible Membership

Audible has made it challenging for users to cancel their membership. The users can cancel the Audible membership online only from the desktop website. When I am writing this article, It is not officially possible to cancel Audible membership from the Audible mobile or mobile website. If you find it hard to cancel the membership, follow the below steps. Step 2: Once you are logged in to Audible, on the homepage, tap on the drop-down menu icon next to your profile name in the top right corner. Step 3: From the drop-down menu options, tap on Account Details. Step 4: On the Account Details page, you will land on the View membership details page by default. If not, tap on it from the left sidebar. Now you will see details about your Audible membership, the available credits, and the next bill date. Below the Your Membership box, tap on Cancel membership. Step 7: At the final stage, Audible will try to offer you some audiobooks and podcasts for free, along with an option to contact customer care. Avoid all of these offers and tap on Cancel Anyway. Once you follow the above steps, you will see a message We’re sorry to see you go. It is a confirmation that you have successfully cancelled your Audible membership. You will also receive a confirmation for the same on your registered e-mail.

Pause Audible Membership

Audible offers an option to Pause the membership in a few regions. If you don’t want to cancel your membership but want to pause it for a few months, it is possible. Audible allows users to pause their membership for three months every 12 months. The process to pause Audible membership is not automated; you will have to contact Customer support. If the Pause membership option is available in your region, the support team will help you. Step 1: Visit this link from any web browser on your computer or smartphone. It will take you to the Audible Contact Us page. Step 2: On the Audible Contact Us page, tap on the Membership option. Step 3: Now, Audible will ask you to make a selection for why you want to contact customer support. Tap on the drop-down menu icon and select Cancel Membership from the list. Step 4: On the next screen, you will get the ways to contact Audible Support. It will include Phone, E-mail and Chat, depending on your region. Step 6: You will get a final confirmation message “Thank you for connecting with us!“. When you receive an e-mail from Audible Support, ask them to Pause your membership. By following the above steps, you can pause your Audible membership. If you want to resume your membership get in touch with the support team, and they will resume your membership. Why is it so hard to cancel Audible? The reason is simple; no company wants to lose their customers. They try their best, so the customers keep subscribed for the service. However, a few companies make it hard to cancel their membership. It is not the right way to treat customers and might affect the business in the long run. Can I cancel Audible on my phone? No practically, You can’t cancel Audible on your phone. Audible doesn’t allow users to cancel the membership from its mobile app or mobile website. However, you can switch on Desktop mode on your mobile browser and get rid of the Audible subscription. How do I cancel Audible on my mobile? You can cancel Audible on your mobile by opening the desktop version of the Audible website. Most modern browsers feature a desktop mode that enables users to visit the desktop version of the website. Open the desktop website of Audible and follow the steps explained above in the article to cancel Audible on your mobile. Can I still listen to Audible if I cancel my subscription? You can’t access the audiobooks podcasts available under Audible membership plans; however, you can listen to a few podcasts and audiobooks available for free.

Final Words

Audible membership provides excellent value if you love listening to Audiobooks. However, it costs you a hefty premium every month. If you don’t want to continue your Audible membership, you can cancel it. It is also possible to pause the membership in a few markets. I have added the required steps to cancel or pause Audible membership above in the article. Follow them and stop paying the Audible subscription cost.


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