Cool Dynamic Island Apps You Should Try Right Now

Since the iPhone 14 Pro is just getting into users’ hands, there aren’t a lot of apps that make unique use of the feature. However, there are some really cool Dynamic Island apps that you should check out.

1. Hit the Island

Hit the Island is a fun game that uses the tried and tested ‘Pong’ and turns it into a fun little game against your iPhone’s pill cutout. Basically, you have a paddle here that you can move around to hit the ball. Every time the ball hits the pill, you get a point, and after every 10 points, the speed of the ball increases. Sometimes, the ball will even split into two, and over time, the paddle shrinks as well. The game gets really difficult once you cross the 30-40 point mark, so if you’re hitting anything above 45 points, you’ll likely be in the top 1% of players, as can be seen in the leaderboard.
The game is free, and the fun gameplay, coupled with the insanely good haptics, makes it a must try for iPhone 14 Pro users.
Note: Even if you have an older iPhone, you can try the game. However, instead of the pill, you will have to hit the notch to score points, which is fun as well. Download: Free

2. Apollo for Reddit

Apollo is an app that most Reddit users would recognise instantly. It’s one of the best third-party Reddit clients, and brings a ton of features. Now, the developer has added a fun little Dynamic Island Zoo in the app. With this, you can “adopt” a pixel-pal animal that lives on top of your iPhone’s pill cutout. The default is a cat, but you can change it to a dog as well. What’s more, there are other animals, including a fox and an axolotl, but to use them you will have to unlock the premium version of the app.
The animals don’t just stand around on the island, by the way. As you use the app, they will walk around, sit, and even sleep (complete with ‘Zzz’ floating around to signal their slumber. It’s a fun way to use the island, without even hindering the completely wonderful app experience.
Download: Free

Show off the Dynamic Island with These Fun Apps

So far, these are the only two apps that have unique use-cases for the Dynamic Island. However, I’m hoping that more developers will come up with games and features that make use of the pill cutout on the iPhone 14 Pro. Personally, I think there’s a lot of scope for fun and games around the island cutout on the new iPhone, and I will update this article as more such apps come out. So make sure you check back often. By the way, what do you think about the new island on the iPhone 14 Pro series? Do you like it, or do you think its a gimmick that will cease being interesting once the novelty wears off? Let us know in the comments. Also, if you’re like me and you dislike the AOD, check out how to disable the iPhone always on display.