Best Alexa Games You Should Play in 2021

1. Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock game brings the classic game’s experience to Alexa users. You can start the game with the command ‘Alexa, play Lizard Spock.’ Although there’s another Rock Paper Scissors game on Alexa, this one is more advanced, offers clear instructions throughout the game, and keeps you updated on what’s going on in the game. In case you’re not familiar with the game, you can ask Alexa to explain the basics.

2. Akinator

If you’ve ever played Akinator, you’ll already be aware that the game involves thinking of a character. You should answer questions and Akinator will try to guess the character. Well, that’s exactly what you get with this Akinator Alexa game. To try it out, you can say ‘Alexa, play Akinator.’

3. Cursed Painting

Cursed Painting is an interactive audio roleplaying game where you play as a thief, an adventurer, or a noble to uncover secrets of a cursed painting and stop an undead plague. The game has a rich plot and if you’re someone who loves RPG, you won’t be disappointed. You can play the game with the command ‘Alexa, open Cursed Painting.’

4. Name the Show

Name the Show is the perfect Alexa game for those who spend a lot of time watching TV shows. In the game, you’ll be shown quotes from popular TV shows along with a few options. Your task is to guess which TV show the quote is from. To get started, say ‘Alexa, open Name the Show.’

5. Escape the Room

Escape the Room, as the name suggests, is an Alexa game where you’re stuck in a room and your objective is to escape the room. You can use commands like look, inspect, and use to move around and know more about the room you’re in. There are different rooms like a jail cell, office, car, and garage in the game. You can try this game out if you’re someone who’s patient and likes solving puzzles. To play, say ‘Alexa, open Escape the Room.’

6. Would You Rather?

Would You Rather is a casual game where you’re given two scenarios. From these scenarios, you’re supposed to choose the one that you’re more likely to do. After choosing one of the situations, the game will say how many percent of players agree with you. Unlike most of the other games here, there’s no end goal to this game. It’s something you can play when you’re bored. You can check this game out with the command ‘Alexa, play Would You Rather.’

7. True or False

True or False is a game where you can check your general knowledge. The game gives you a statement and you should answer if it is true or false (obviously). What I like about this game is that it gives you context about the answer if you get it wrong. You can play the game solo or with up to 20 people, making it the perfect game to play in family gatherings. The voice command ‘Alexa, play true or false’ starts the game.

8. Truth or Dare

At times, we tend to run out of truth or dare prompts to ask our friends. To help you out in those situations, you can use this Alexa game. When you say ‘Alexa, play Truth or Dare,’ the game opens and asks if you need a prompt of a truth or a dare. You can then use that prompt with other players in real life.

9. Guess My Age

Guess My Age is an Alexa game where you guess Alexa’s age. Alexa will offer hints to help you make accurate guesses. For instance, if you guess the number 25, Alexa will say if its age is older or younger than that. Based on this information, you can narrow down the age limits and guess the right age. To play this game, you can use the command, ‘Alexa, open Guess My Age.’

10. Twenty Questions

In Twenty Questions, Alexa asks you questions in an attempt to guess the animal, vegetable, or mineral you have in mind. You can respond with yes, no, unknown, irrelevant, sometimes, probably, or doubtful. You also have the option to skip a question using the command ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Alexa, play Twenty Questions’ starts the game.

Try these Alexa Games on your Echo Smart Speaker

So, those are the best Alexa games you can check out in 2021. Although the collection of games isn’t as diverse as Google Assistant games, Alexa has a few tricks up its sleeve to keep you entertained when you’re bored. Which of these games do you like the most? Let us know in the comments.

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